Friday, August 23, 2013

Blinded By The Light

Ah yes...that lovely glare when driving at night when someone approaches you.  I almost have to look away sometimes!   I've noticed that I feel changes happening with my vision.   I happen to have one eye that sees well up close and one that sees better far away...and have glasses to accommodate that, and I've been fine. Lately however,  I have been feeling I've been rubbing my eyes more, especially when reading or on computer a lot.   The last time I had my eyes checked the doc asked if I was having any issues reading.  I told him I seem to have to 're-adjust' after reading for a while, like 'refocusing'.   I was told since I was 'getting older' there may be changes happening that are common when reading etc.
This was my immediate reaction to that!

Lol, I think I held my tongue at the time, but I wasn't pleased.  However I do know I've had issues with night vision and feeling comfortable when driving when totally dark - mainly when I'm in new surroundings.  And if reading a lot (which I do!) I do notice some blinking and need for rubbing.  Sigh.  Yes I will go back in for my next eye test soon. I am also going to do a little work on my own.  I'm reading up a bit on the basic nutrients for eyes and I know what helps.  Vitamin A, most folks know helps with vision.  So I searched foods high in Vit A - I had NO idea that 1 medium carrot has a little over 10,000 IUs of Vitamin A!  Darn!  I'm not a fan of carrots...don't hate them but don't love them either.  So I was reading a basic list of foods that are high in Vitamin A - and Cantaloupe is one of them.  FUNNY that I've been eating a lot of cantaloupe in past few weeks and I don't think I've been rubbing my eyes as much!  Sheesh....time to start paying attention!  And if it helps my night vision too, I'll be laughing over

List of healthy food sources of Vitamin A - you can see it's plentiful:

Sweet Potato - 1 Medium - 22,000 IU (luckily a fav of mine)
Butternut Squash - 1cup  - 22,000 IU
Kale - 1 cup  - 10,000
Carrots - 1 Medium - 10,000 IU
Cantaloupe - 1/8 wedge - 5900 (a lot for 1 wedge!)  I eat half easily at once lol
Turnip Greens - 1 cup 6300
Mustard Greens-1 cup - 5800
Spinach - 1 cup -2500
Mango - 1 cup - 1700

I will be experimenting on myself  with eating more of these foods, and I'm also starting  to use my Herbal Eyewash as well.  I remember my dad using it many years ago to just 'try' it.  And he said over time he could read the racing results at the Horse Races from the stands without his glasses!  He was pretty pleased with himself.

So!  My point here is that more often than not if something comes up that doesn't please can be sure I will do a little research and figure out options! More of what I want instead of what I don't.   I've become very self reliant on myself, natural health and how my own thoughts can help me improve ANY situation.  This instance is no different.  I will be sure to report how things go in near future.  I'm certainly not against getting an updated prescription for my glasses, but if I can delay it or make it minimal, then I'm going to do it! 

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Emerging From A Cocoon

I am a nature lover!  Always have been - and it hasn't been till the past few months that I've really started to honor that part of me on a regular basis.  Years ago  I  watched the film of a caterpillar spinning itself into a cocoon and then later the transformation as the butterfly emerges.  An event most don't see or think about,  not realizing what even happens to get them there.   Even when just a kid I felt the magic of nature and knew that only something/someone good could have cared enough to create such beauty.  It wasn't till I was much older that I appreciated a spiritual presence in nature and gave more thought to the calming happiness I always felt when really paying attention to my surroundings when outdoors.

Granted I live in suburbia - so while I can step out my door to see the grass and trees and sky, I find I like to have that quiet, mysterious-like feel, when I'm off by myself somewhere a bit more private.  I also find VERY early mornings or odd hours at night a way to connect in a spiritual way with what I think of as Spirit or God, or the Universe.  Thank goodness for porches!  lol  I also used to like tents and forts and caves and 'hide-a-ways' as I always could find ways to appreciate the silence. Enjoying the quiet moments have intensified for me and I find myself seeking them out regularly for my own peace of mind and pleasure.

I've been taking these past few months to go within a bit more - to sort through what feels right and good to me.  It seems ongoing and yet I do feel progress.  My 'cocoon' timeline differs from the butterfly.  Yet I feel more confident with not 'knowing' exactly how some of the things I want for myself will come to be.  Kind of like the caterpillar winding up for the eventual transformation.  He just knows.  And it hasn't failed yet.

One thing that has come up resoundingly for me during this time is that Life Is Supposed To Be Fun.  I believe this with conviction!  And yet I can admit that it had become a fleeting thought  reserved only for when I was stressed to the max!  I'd realize I needed to relax and enjoy.  Happily I am trying to do it more often...daily, when I can.   I realized I had to DECIDE to make it a habit.  And it's working.  Treating myself or someone to some Starbucks, playing new music on my computer at work, bringing in a water fountain to work, watching more comedy, sitting down by the Niagara River anytime of day absorbing the magnificence so many don't really see or feel, exploring FUN places to volunteer, doing my morning yoga moves, meditating, strawberry picking with family-remembering doing the same when a kid.  

The point I'm making here is that I DECIDED to do this.  For me this has made it more of a habit and I can feel a shift in my overall outlook.  And it feels really really good too.  (patting self on back lol!)

The way to anything I have wanted in my life has always come when I decided I wanted something and an underlying belief that it would come about. What has made it easier has been taking more time out to just enjoy.  It never seems to fail.  I still try to encourage folks who have emotional and physical concerns to make that part of their life a priority.  Some look at me and I can see what they are thinking.."How is THAT going to improve what I am dealing with?"  They feel the need to worry and stress about it. But I know better now.  And happily some have taken on the challenge.  I love seeing the light in their eyes that they are allowed to even consider it!  

Here's to learning how to have the faith of a caterpillar to get where YOU are wanting to go in life. Start preparing for a pleasant outcome!